Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Night Rockband

Who doesnt love Rockband, right? So, its become official. The Mayfields and the Davis are married. Let me fill you in on my second family. Ever since my husband returned from Operation Iraqi Freedom, or the desert we have made great friends. The Mayfields. Since early October we have spent just about every weekend together.. and there in the beginning we spent almost every day together. I have many many trips I could share with you, considering in Germany you can have open alcohol containers in a vehicle. We have traveled all over Germany visiting Monk Beer places, crazed Halloween castles where I was chased by some freak in a costume, visited crystal factories and spent quite some time in a stau on A9. I have truly fell in love with these people. Its simply impossible to meet a couple that yourself and your husband both like. Usually its the opposite. The wife loves the other wife but the hubbies just dont hit it off. This is not the case with us. We all fit together like a damn puzzle its freakin crazy.

So, back to this rockband situation. Zakary got a wii for his birthday back in July and we have guitar hero. So we brought it over to the Mayfields to let Mike give a whack at it. Sure enough he fell in love with it and decided he was buying Rockband for his playstation,,, the VERY next day he did. HAHA thats right HAD to have it. (Men have obsessions too) Since that moment there has been Rockband Nights.

Here I sit at 9 o'clock on a friday night, watching attentively, my husband and Mike play Rockband. Bare in mind this whole week my husband left for work by 5 am only home long enough to bring me the car back to take Zak to school and drop him back off at work. I have dropped off his lunch all week to him, so no more lunch dates together, and he gets home at 7 to eat his dinner cold after the kids and I have already eaten. He checks his email and showers and kisses me goodnight. Thats been my week with him, I swear I saw him more while he was in Iraq then I do when hes in the bed next to me. Army Life,,, have I mentioned how much I love it haha. Most adults have sitters on Fridays and are out enjoying the German life at pubs and clubs. But for this simple , (ha, very high class) army wife I am truly satisfied watching ROCKBAND!

So, for an easy and fun entertaining friday night go purchase Rockband, for which ever system you have, its so worth it and totally satisfying and terribly addicting too. And gives you alittle bit of adult/child time with the ones you love. In a fun kickin rockin butt kind a way.You get to be the American Idol of your own living room. ROCK OUT!

House Hunting.. IN GERMANY

Okay, let me bring you all up to speed. My wonderful husband extended our stay here in Germany and we decided we would prefer to live off post in a house. Not just because of our extension, but we have encountered an array of issues in stairwell. The biggest concern is the massive MOLD issue. We had to go through an army of people to get permission to even MOVE out of our disgusting building. With the success of our ETP (exception to policy) we got word of a realtor wife of a soldier who was assiting families in locating homes in Germany and only charging a small fee of 300 dollars. THIS IS Fantastic considering if we looked for a home on our home the realtors here in Germany can charge you pretty much whatever they want and its always in EURO and with our economy on the crapper our dollar is very weak now. She found a home in a town not to far from post and it was wonderful, more then what we wanted. Everything was slowly working out in our favor for once. My housing facility we have on post, refused the German contract that the landlords company had given to me, I am assuming for several good reasons yet could never GET anyone to fully tell me why I couldnt do a german contract. So many people do german contracts without an isssue but I could not. So the housing represenative looked up the landlords address online and sent me directly to his home to retrieve the signature I needed for my contract. I was so happy about doing this, seeing as I was more then likely intruding on his own space. But I was so adament about getting out of our sick whole of a home and getting my kids better I went there. His wife of course didnt speak english very well and called her husband on his cell phone. I spoke with him over the phone explained everything and the military contract I had with me that I needed the signature. Bare in mind the contract I had was in english and GERMAN, so that both parties could read it. He was excepting and understanding and his wife signed it. Things continue to roll we get our money together because we have to put the money up front ourselves and the army will repay us.. IN TIME.. bare that in mind. Takes the army FOREVER to give you the money you deserve but for damn sure they will take it when they need it. Twice I went to retrieve my key from the landlords ground keepers. The final time we were actually in the HOME and going through it marking down the things we felt were messed up when out of no where these men wanted me to sign some paper that was in german. Yeah I totatlly refused to sign something I CANT READ. From there it all WENT down hill FAST. The gentleman come back saying they cant give me the keys without a german contract. EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE a military contract IN play already. A very valid contract. So I head back to housing. Only for them to tell me I cant do a german contract , again not explaining why. From there we decided fine we dont want the house. They call the ground keeper, and sure enough what do they say. "if they want out of the contract ( the contract they claim isnt vaild cuz its a military contract) they have to pay 3 months rent and find new tenants. Okay people,,, bare with me, I WENT IN SANE. I was crying hysterically cuz at this point I am beyond stressed over the entire back and forth situation. My realtor calls me and we explain the situation to her and well we actually thought we had it resolved. HAHA , yeah thats funny. Monday rolls around and I call the ground keeper to meet to get the key and give the security deposit back , only to be told again by them that the landlord now will only except a german contract. They state that my military contract does not meet german laws (FALSE) and that it is to vague. Well, well, well. Housing can no longer assit me they say, and send me to legal. YUP YOU READ THAT RIGHT. I had to meet with a lawyer on a home I HAVE NEVER lived in. Okay, so longer story cut short, the lawyer got us out of the contract. The landlord claimed I fraudulously went about getting his signature. Yes the same man that liked me and said we were very family oriented, said I was fraudulant. FUNNY. I laughed..

So here I am, 2 months into trying to move out of my MOLD disgusting home and Im still in it. Finding a home in germany is not easy and its VERY expensive. I have found a few online and I am hoping to see one that I like very much this weekend. Just waiting for my realtor to call with my appt time. Im sure your wondering why housing hasnt shown me anything. Well, according to them there is nothing available. However I can give props to Ms. VERA. She has been a god sent and is trying to help us the best she can.

First and formost. If you get moved to an overseas location. No matter how nervous or offset you are,, YOU WANT TO LIVE OFF POST. Had I known all the things about stairwell housing and neighbors and everything We would have NEVER lived on post.

If you are in the move to Germany and have some questions.. ASK ME!! I can fill you in on so much and give so many helpful links. A few websites to check if your house hunting.. remember german realtors can charge you 1-3 months rent just to look at a house whether you chose it or NOT, so becareful and ask A TON OF QUESTIONS.

These are 2 really good ones. can help you learn some words. Mieter is Renter.. Miete is to rent. This is what your looking for.

Fantastic day to everyone. Vent more later. :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My First Blog

So, Welcome! Alright this is all new for me and I decided to do this becuase I can vent like no other woman. And considering in the last 3 years so many things have taken place for me I figured no better way to tell my experiences then to BLOG! Do bare with me as I learn this whole blog thing, and as I vent. So heres the beginning.. WELCOME!