Okay,,, everyone scroll to the lower half of the blog.. Re-read the one on taxes...
Now come back to the top and lets go into more detail.
I complained recently on the delay to my taxes, to only find out they were taking back 350 dollars from our refund claiming my hubbys combat needed to be added to his wages and salaries.. THIS CONFUSED the crap out of me. And well the nice little IRS lady I spoke with wouldnt go into more detail except that it needed to be added to his salaries. Now for you non military bloggers, my hubbys combat pay is NON taxable. It has its own special little place in your tax returns just for the combat pay. So I figured I would check with my army tax people just to make sure I didnt truly screw up. When I initially spoke with them over the phone they figured it would be a simple admendment and we would get the money back in time. HAHA!!!
I get into the tax office he does the taxes just as I did and ... THERE RIGHT!! I didnt do anything wrong. I put all my info in the correct place. In short, the IRS is screwing me out of 350 dollars. SERIOUSLY!!??? I mean I know were in a recession but our country can afford to help billionares become trillionares but my hard working husband, fighter of our country, protector of my and your freedom doesnt need his 350 dollars???!!! Im still in complete shock that this has happened to us. I mean I do everything right on my taxes, I file early and try to help the economy bu shopping as much as I can .. hehe .. but they take 350 dollars from me??? Like its truly gonna help the hell hand bag our country is turning out to be??!!!
So to all you military followers,,, DOUBLE CHECK EVERYTHING!! If you get a delay and they claim its due to your combat pay money FIGHT IT! I am sceduling an appt with the tax attorney and Im fighting for my 350. Mainly because we do not pay for the attorney, its army provided or I would let it go. Considering in Civilian world the attorney would cost me more then what the IRS owes me. Plus, I should get interest on the money as well.
You know, what do you think?? I was tongued tied over the situation and slightly humored by it. But with time I will stick my sock somewhere in someones butt for the rip off. Humm. I feel better already. :)
Pleasant evening all.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
back to Taxes...
Posted by
7:11 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Its been awhile.. RIGHT??!!
Forever.. Its truly been forever. OH, How I have missed my cyber buddies. Theres so much to share here. I MOVED.. Yup thats right all my dear cyber friends.. I have moved, out of the nasty mold infested.. run downed dalapidated building (the army claims to be family housing) and into a HOME. I mean truly any house can be a home as long as you make it one but this truly feels like a home. My children and my dog have yard all there own!! To play and frolic as they should and a drive way to ride there bikes like all kids need too.
Here I sit in room 1 of 4 that I currently have. The computer room and playroom combined. Listening to my children enjoy the freedome of being loud and obnoxious and only truly annoying myself and my husband. No more shoes to trip over on the first floor landing , no more nasty armoa of smoke or inconsiderate neighbors who have no courtesy what so ever. Freedom, the true underlying release of ones self.
I love this home. Even though I have killed four of the BIGGEST spiders Ive ever seen in my life. I will just tell myself they were here first and I shall just kill them off one by one til there in heaven together again. Its better there for them.
As I shared with you all before, my hubby and I moved a bunch of things on our own before the movers arrived in an effort to hurry along the moving process. Thats funny now that I think about it. Considering my measily little apartment took them roughly 6-7 hours to pack.. then jsut one to unload it all. In a blizzard at that. The morning the movers arrived our post was shut down entirely due to the amount of snow we had. But I still managed to move without a problem and now less then a week later I am pretty much unpacked. I mean theres a storage room in the basement full of boxes.. with things in them that I probably dont need but could careless at this point to go through so sitting they shall do til I deam ready to attack. My childrens rooms are done and looking rather snazzy I must say.. and will look even more COMPLETE when there fabulous YAYA sends there new room items. Im elaborated by new bedding!!!It gets my blood flowing. My 2 year old cant say enough about her "pink room". Every little girl should have a pink room at some point in there life and she has reached that mile stone, Im quite proud.
Even more news to share,,, we have located a car for the hubby. OH THANK GOD is all I can say. I mean I did 2 days of 5 am PT call,,,, and Im sorry I can not go to bed at 10 and get up at 5 drive 20-30 min to post to take him in for pt.. drive back home leave again at 8 to take the son to school and then end up having errands to run on post then not enough time to come home jsut to have to turn around and go back for him. I can really say Im like a zombie. And I thought for sure I would sleep in this wonderful saturday morning.. UMMM no. Our fun lovin pup is now on that 5 am pt schedule and wanted to eat and pee. So I got up at 630 only to see my 2 year old appear at 7 so there was no going back to bed.
Day gets better.. back to the we located a car. Went and saw it today its a 93 bmw 318i series.. painted 2 tone.. blue and orange.. Oh it gets better.. the inside holds a shrine to all things pink. The roof inside is covered in pink velvet thats right people pink velvet. Now my husband would just take it down, but REMEMBER back to the pink room... daughter LOVES pink.. she would kill him if he took it down. Its even got matching seat covers that she will more then likely insist get put in. I see fun times in this car... Perhaps..?
Alright I assume for now I have blabbed to satisfy all you loyal readers for the day. I am off to snuggle in with my fam, and prepare for more needed sleep. I swear to share more tom. I swear.
Night cyberers...
Posted by
8:05 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day
Happy love day to all. I am SUPER busy. We are doing everything we can to get as much stuff moved on our own so that the movers get things done quickly on Tuesday. I just would hate to sit around all day and watch them pack things, THEN UNPACK it all. We accomplished painting the kids rooms and I have most of there things up on there walls and I got all our coats moved to new closets. Tomorrow my wonderful hubby has to work.. and has to work Monday. All day. His stupid soldiers and there stupid behaviors affect our family as well. Youngins needy a swift Kick in the ass. So I will be going at it alone tom. I hope to move alot of the kids cloths and perhaps somethings out of the fridge so that I can clean it!! I managed to clean out 2 of my cabinets which is huge for me. I hate Kitchens and Bathrooms. I would so hire a maid just to clean those rooms. I can manage all the others. Its just that kitchens and bathrooms hold all things gross and gooey feeling. YUCK!
Even though today is special LOVE day, my husband and I dont ever go all out for these holidays. I mean I love him everyday and show him that everyday... Why would you do something different otherwise right? But we did take most of the day off from moving and only did a quick drop off of a few things. We instead are spending the evening with our other lovers the MAYFIELDS. And here I sit on Saturday night, Valentines Day watching my rockband family perform FABULOUSLY!! haha. Lets all think back to rockband night.. Awww Just gotta love it.
I will post pics of the new place once I get it all decorated. Im a neat freak and I must have things organized first. I did however find a great corner desk for sale that will be delivered tom for me! Even better Tim and I can sit at it at the same time. And the computers will finally be out of my living room and in the computer/playroom.
Happy Valentines Day to all. And a congrats to my aunt for her new baby boy, Cole Ryhs born yesterday ... yes friday the 13th I couldnt of done it. Congrats, Evening to all.
Posted by
7:26 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Okay, so its been a few days since I last blogged but I wasnt ready to announce it outloud until it FELT REAL!
TOMMORROW MORNING I AM PICKING UP THE KEYS TO MY NEW HOUSE!! Thats right people I am finally MOVING! I have to sit out at the new place all day friday and wait for appliances to be delivered and then our furniture will be packed and moved on TUESDAY!!! This weekend is gonna be BUSY BUSY!! I have to paint the kids rooms, take over things I dont want the movers touching,,, like ALL MY PHOTOS!!! haha. And start moving kitchen things too.
I am sooo excited. I cant belive it has finally worked out in my favor. We clear here on post next thursday so i will spend the day wednesday cleaning. hopefully i can get most of it taken care of this weekend and just do basic cleaning.
Along with that news, Abbie had her first tumbling class today and ITS WAS FANTASTIC! She is so into it and seemed as if she really enjoyed herself. So, every wednesday into the future her and i will be tumbling together. I like to think shes a natural I mean I did gymnastics and loved it up until they wanted me to flip on a balance beam,,, YEah HeCK nOOOOO!!! But I think I did well and I think she will too.
Onto the weather, man its been awhile since I was on here. We've had some really interesting weather here recently. Its cold as crap, you wake up to snow,, only to melt into a soggy mess and THE WIND! BOy, I could tell you this wind here could pick you up and toss you right into CZECH! I am SOOO ready for spring and tanning and day trips to PLAYMOBIL!!
I will have so much more news and pics for all you blogg followers in the days to come. So, hang with me and SMILE WITH ME!! Im PSYCHED! :)
Posted by
12:41 PM
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Saturday Birthday Party
Posted by
9:51 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tax Time And The Irritaion Of It All
Okay, so my husband and I dont have any weird things to file for taxes so we always do them ourselves. Its pretty self explanatory and there are so many websites on line to assist you in filing your own. Well, when it comes to money I am NOT a procrastinator and we are in the process of moving and money goes a long way. I filed my taxes on Jan 23, as soon as my husbands W2s appeared.
Usually you receive your return within 7-10 business days with direct deposit. Well, here I sit expecting them today according to what the IRS website page said all last week and the week before. Up until TODAY! They changed my expect refund date to the 17th NOW! A whole week later then what they orginially had my date. And according to there website now they only issue refunds ON A FRIDAY!! Well, hell I wish I could only pay my taxes on a FRIDAY!
Our government may be in a major depression but what I truly dont understand is that we as a government can afford to bail out Wallstreet TYCOONS in one afternoon just to watch them the coming weekend take there workers on extravagant vacations (cough couch to celebrate cough cough) there win against our government.
Im not sure what I did differently then some of my friends but I havent really heard of anyone else having an issue getting theres back. Everyone I know has received there in the normal time frame. What the heck????
What makes this even odder.... I already received states refund??!!! That usually takes at least 2-3 weeks AFTER I receive the federal refund.
I dont know whats going on with our government right now, and god help us into the future. Nothing is truly ever secure and Im waiting for the SMALL benefits I do get from having a husband in the military to start diminishing as the government cries for more of our money to give to STUPID billionaires who dont know how to give back to begin with. Honestly, who the hell NEEDS a trillion damn dollars anyways. There should be a cap on high business men. Once you hit it, if you can earn more then that,, THEN THAT MONEY AUTOMATICALLY goes to support our future children and paying the HEAVY cost of Universities. Not to mention paying our soldiers in war ZONES more money.
That my friends is a whole other topic for discussion. One that I can truly say probably should not be discussed. As Im sure you all who are not military related think we make bank while our husbands and loved ones fight in zones that could LIKELY get them killed and at times DO. You would seriously cry as a nation if I gave you the numbers my husband made for being in a war zone. And when I watch the news over banks and companies filing for bankruptcy I just know my husbands little benefits we receive will start to be cut back.
As for that, say thank you for your freedom. Even if right now the economy sucks, your still free living in a country thats trying to fix this damn mess. Rather then being in one that is killing its own people for its own benefits.
Remember, no matter how much you dont understand why we started this war and why were there,, people are dieing over there, children left parentless for US.. YOU! At least there dieing somewhere else,, and not in your own backyard. Imagine being torn from your own and watching your children die so that someone can use your window to shoot at your very own protectors of our country.
I support my husband in the war on terror, no matter how much I wish we werent at war. We are, and as a country we need to back that decision and say thank you for the ones going there and fighting so that your senior can go to college rather then be drafted to help.
File your taxes on time, and sit back and whine about how long it takes to get your money back when you give it to them each month on time. Its our Freedom.
Posted by
1:17 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
First Steps To Getting THE HOUSE!
Posted by
10:08 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Merkendorf Haus
Back to the house hunting in Germany. I finally saw the house I have been looking at online now for a month. I loved the outside from the beggining, and today I saw the inside. ITS PERFECT. Im scared to get all excited about it considering what took place with the last house I loved. But this could truly be the one. Its far enough from post to stay out of the drama of Army life, but close enough to get to post in a reasonable amount of time. Its truly everything were looking for except the kitchen could have more cabinets which we could purchase ourselves. So, here I am again at the point where I could truly be moving FINALLY!
Keep your fingers crossed for me! I will so blog more about this when I know if its truly mine or NOT! :) Its a short blog this evening, I must go prep for the dentist tom. I am truly truly TERRIFIED. If you know me personally you know why. If not, lets just say the dentisit is my phobia,,, true horrifing phobia. I cry the moment I walk in the door, I have no control over it. Lots of luck I need right now.
Good Evening to all...
Posted by
8:41 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
New Bedrooms
Posted by
2:47 PM