Forever.. Its truly been forever. OH, How I have missed my cyber buddies. Theres so much to share here. I MOVED.. Yup thats right all my dear cyber friends.. I have moved, out of the nasty mold infested.. run downed dalapidated building (the army claims to be family housing) and into a HOME. I mean truly any house can be a home as long as you make it one but this truly feels like a home. My children and my dog have yard all there own!! To play and frolic as they should and a drive way to ride there bikes like all kids need too.
Here I sit in room 1 of 4 that I currently have. The computer room and playroom combined. Listening to my children enjoy the freedome of being loud and obnoxious and only truly annoying myself and my husband. No more shoes to trip over on the first floor landing , no more nasty armoa of smoke or inconsiderate neighbors who have no courtesy what so ever. Freedom, the true underlying release of ones self.
I love this home. Even though I have killed four of the BIGGEST spiders Ive ever seen in my life. I will just tell myself they were here first and I shall just kill them off one by one til there in heaven together again. Its better there for them.
As I shared with you all before, my hubby and I moved a bunch of things on our own before the movers arrived in an effort to hurry along the moving process. Thats funny now that I think about it. Considering my measily little apartment took them roughly 6-7 hours to pack.. then jsut one to unload it all. In a blizzard at that. The morning the movers arrived our post was shut down entirely due to the amount of snow we had. But I still managed to move without a problem and now less then a week later I am pretty much unpacked. I mean theres a storage room in the basement full of boxes.. with things in them that I probably dont need but could careless at this point to go through so sitting they shall do til I deam ready to attack. My childrens rooms are done and looking rather snazzy I must say.. and will look even more COMPLETE when there fabulous YAYA sends there new room items. Im elaborated by new bedding!!!It gets my blood flowing. My 2 year old cant say enough about her "pink room". Every little girl should have a pink room at some point in there life and she has reached that mile stone, Im quite proud.
Even more news to share,,, we have located a car for the hubby. OH THANK GOD is all I can say. I mean I did 2 days of 5 am PT call,,,, and Im sorry I can not go to bed at 10 and get up at 5 drive 20-30 min to post to take him in for pt.. drive back home leave again at 8 to take the son to school and then end up having errands to run on post then not enough time to come home jsut to have to turn around and go back for him. I can really say Im like a zombie. And I thought for sure I would sleep in this wonderful saturday morning.. UMMM no. Our fun lovin pup is now on that 5 am pt schedule and wanted to eat and pee. So I got up at 630 only to see my 2 year old appear at 7 so there was no going back to bed.
Day gets better.. back to the we located a car. Went and saw it today its a 93 bmw 318i series.. painted 2 tone.. blue and orange.. Oh it gets better.. the inside holds a shrine to all things pink. The roof inside is covered in pink velvet thats right people pink velvet. Now my husband would just take it down, but REMEMBER back to the pink room... daughter LOVES pink.. she would kill him if he took it down. Its even got matching seat covers that she will more then likely insist get put in. I see fun times in this car... Perhaps..?
Alright I assume for now I have blabbed to satisfy all you loyal readers for the day. I am off to snuggle in with my fam, and prepare for more needed sleep. I swear to share more tom. I swear.
Night cyberers...
Cinderella Inspired Hairstyle
10 years ago
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