Happy love day to all. I am SUPER busy. We are doing everything we can to get as much stuff moved on our own so that the movers get things done quickly on Tuesday. I just would hate to sit around all day and watch them pack things, THEN UNPACK it all. We accomplished painting the kids rooms and I have most of there things up on there walls and I got all our coats moved to new closets. Tomorrow my wonderful hubby has to work.. and has to work Monday. All day. His stupid soldiers and there stupid behaviors affect our family as well. Youngins needy a swift Kick in the ass. So I will be going at it alone tom. I hope to move alot of the kids cloths and perhaps somethings out of the fridge so that I can clean it!! I managed to clean out 2 of my cabinets which is huge for me. I hate Kitchens and Bathrooms. I would so hire a maid just to clean those rooms. I can manage all the others. Its just that kitchens and bathrooms hold all things gross and gooey feeling. YUCK!
Even though today is special LOVE day, my husband and I dont ever go all out for these holidays. I mean I love him everyday and show him that everyday... Why would you do something different otherwise right? But we did take most of the day off from moving and only did a quick drop off of a few things. We instead are spending the evening with our other lovers the MAYFIELDS. And here I sit on Saturday night, Valentines Day watching my rockband family perform FABULOUSLY!! haha. Lets all think back to rockband night.. Awww Just gotta love it.
I will post pics of the new place once I get it all decorated. Im a neat freak and I must have things organized first. I did however find a great corner desk for sale that will be delivered tom for me! Even better Tim and I can sit at it at the same time. And the computers will finally be out of my living room and in the computer/playroom.
Happy Valentines Day to all. And a congrats to my aunt for her new baby boy, Cole Ryhs born yesterday ... yes friday the 13th I couldnt of done it. Congrats, Evening to all.
Cinderella Inspired Hairstyle
10 years ago
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