Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First Steps To Getting THE HOUSE!

Okay, so I got the almighty PHONE CALL!! The landlord of the home we looked at will do a military contract and is even willing to drive to post and meet with housing to do contract together and then do inspection!! Can you believe it??? Maybe just maybe for once things are starting to look up in this whole housing department.

So, I am trying very hard to be patient and take things slow. Germans are not like Americans and are not about hurrying up and doing things. Tomorrow morning I will go into housing and meet with the off post represenative and give them the gentlemans phone number to call and set up the time to meet and get it all done!! Holy Cow, this could be really happening. :) Im so giddy on this end of the keyboard. I have a bit of paperwork to turn into my realtor, and of course I have to pay the landlords realtor as well. Odd I know but thats how the Germans do it.

Come tomorrow I should have more info.. Info stating officially that I have permission for the house and that it will be mine in the coming days or weeks.

So, go jump up and down, eat a piece of cake and pour a glass of wine. Im feeling sunshine---YYY!!!

Fabulous evening to all.. It certainly is for me :)!