Back to the house hunting in Germany. I finally saw the house I have been looking at online now for a month. I loved the outside from the beggining, and today I saw the inside. ITS PERFECT. Im scared to get all excited about it considering what took place with the last house I loved. But this could truly be the one. Its far enough from post to stay out of the drama of Army life, but close enough to get to post in a reasonable amount of time. Its truly everything were looking for except the kitchen could have more cabinets which we could purchase ourselves. So, here I am again at the point where I could truly be moving FINALLY!
Keep your fingers crossed for me! I will so blog more about this when I know if its truly mine or NOT! :) Its a short blog this evening, I must go prep for the dentist tom. I am truly truly TERRIFIED. If you know me personally you know why. If not, lets just say the dentisit is my phobia,,, true horrifing phobia. I cry the moment I walk in the door, I have no control over it. Lots of luck I need right now.
Good Evening to all...
Cinderella Inspired Hairstyle
10 years ago
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