Okay,,, everyone scroll to the lower half of the blog.. Re-read the one on taxes...
Now come back to the top and lets go into more detail.
I complained recently on the delay to my taxes, to only find out they were taking back 350 dollars from our refund claiming my hubbys combat needed to be added to his wages and salaries.. THIS CONFUSED the crap out of me. And well the nice little IRS lady I spoke with wouldnt go into more detail except that it needed to be added to his salaries. Now for you non military bloggers, my hubbys combat pay is NON taxable. It has its own special little place in your tax returns just for the combat pay. So I figured I would check with my army tax people just to make sure I didnt truly screw up. When I initially spoke with them over the phone they figured it would be a simple admendment and we would get the money back in time. HAHA!!!
I get into the tax office he does the taxes just as I did and ... THERE RIGHT!! I didnt do anything wrong. I put all my info in the correct place. In short, the IRS is screwing me out of 350 dollars. SERIOUSLY!!??? I mean I know were in a recession but our country can afford to help billionares become trillionares but my hard working husband, fighter of our country, protector of my and your freedom doesnt need his 350 dollars???!!! Im still in complete shock that this has happened to us. I mean I do everything right on my taxes, I file early and try to help the economy bu shopping as much as I can .. hehe .. but they take 350 dollars from me??? Like its truly gonna help the hell hand bag our country is turning out to be??!!!
So to all you military followers,,, DOUBLE CHECK EVERYTHING!! If you get a delay and they claim its due to your combat pay money FIGHT IT! I am sceduling an appt with the tax attorney and Im fighting for my 350. Mainly because we do not pay for the attorney, its army provided or I would let it go. Considering in Civilian world the attorney would cost me more then what the IRS owes me. Plus, I should get interest on the money as well.
You know, what do you think?? I was tongued tied over the situation and slightly humored by it. But with time I will stick my sock somewhere in someones butt for the rip off. Humm. I feel better already. :)
Pleasant evening all.
Cinderella Inspired Hairstyle
10 years ago
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