Okay, so its been a few days since I last blogged but I wasnt ready to announce it outloud until it FELT REAL!
TOMMORROW MORNING I AM PICKING UP THE KEYS TO MY NEW HOUSE!! Thats right people I am finally MOVING! I have to sit out at the new place all day friday and wait for appliances to be delivered and then our furniture will be packed and moved on TUESDAY!!! This weekend is gonna be BUSY BUSY!! I have to paint the kids rooms, take over things I dont want the movers touching,,, like ALL MY PHOTOS!!! haha. And start moving kitchen things too.
I am sooo excited. I cant belive it has finally worked out in my favor. We clear here on post next thursday so i will spend the day wednesday cleaning. hopefully i can get most of it taken care of this weekend and just do basic cleaning.
Along with that news, Abbie had her first tumbling class today and ITS WAS FANTASTIC! She is so into it and seemed as if she really enjoyed herself. So, every wednesday into the future her and i will be tumbling together. I like to think shes a natural I mean I did gymnastics and loved it up until they wanted me to flip on a balance beam,,, YEah HeCK nOOOOO!!! But I think I did well and I think she will too.
Onto the weather, man its been awhile since I was on here. We've had some really interesting weather here recently. Its cold as crap, you wake up to snow,, only to melt into a soggy mess and THE WIND! BOy, I could tell you this wind here could pick you up and toss you right into CZECH! I am SOOO ready for spring and tanning and day trips to PLAYMOBIL!!
I will have so much more news and pics for all you blogg followers in the days to come. So, hang with me and SMILE WITH ME!! Im PSYCHED! :)
Cinderella Inspired Hairstyle
10 years ago
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