Okay, so my husband and I dont have any weird things to file for taxes so we always do them ourselves. Its pretty self explanatory and there are so many websites on line to assist you in filing your own. Well, when it comes to money I am NOT a procrastinator and we are in the process of moving and money goes a long way. I filed my taxes on Jan 23, as soon as my husbands W2s appeared.
Usually you receive your return within 7-10 business days with direct deposit. Well, here I sit expecting them today according to what the IRS website page said all last week and the week before. Up until TODAY! They changed my expect refund date to the 17th NOW! A whole week later then what they orginially had my date. And according to there website now they only issue refunds ON A FRIDAY!! Well, hell I wish I could only pay my taxes on a FRIDAY!
Our government may be in a major depression but what I truly dont understand is that we as a government can afford to bail out Wallstreet TYCOONS in one afternoon just to watch them the coming weekend take there workers on extravagant vacations (cough couch to celebrate cough cough) there win against our government.
Im not sure what I did differently then some of my friends but I havent really heard of anyone else having an issue getting theres back. Everyone I know has received there in the normal time frame. What the heck????
What makes this even odder.... I already received states refund??!!! That usually takes at least 2-3 weeks AFTER I receive the federal refund.
I dont know whats going on with our government right now, and god help us into the future. Nothing is truly ever secure and Im waiting for the SMALL benefits I do get from having a husband in the military to start diminishing as the government cries for more of our money to give to STUPID billionaires who dont know how to give back to begin with. Honestly, who the hell NEEDS a trillion damn dollars anyways. There should be a cap on high business men. Once you hit it, if you can earn more then that,, THEN THAT MONEY AUTOMATICALLY goes to support our future children and paying the HEAVY cost of Universities. Not to mention paying our soldiers in war ZONES more money.
That my friends is a whole other topic for discussion. One that I can truly say probably should not be discussed. As Im sure you all who are not military related think we make bank while our husbands and loved ones fight in zones that could LIKELY get them killed and at times DO. You would seriously cry as a nation if I gave you the numbers my husband made for being in a war zone. And when I watch the news over banks and companies filing for bankruptcy I just know my husbands little benefits we receive will start to be cut back.
As for that, say thank you for your freedom. Even if right now the economy sucks, your still free living in a country thats trying to fix this damn mess. Rather then being in one that is killing its own people for its own benefits.
Remember, no matter how much you dont understand why we started this war and why were there,, people are dieing over there, children left parentless for US.. YOU! At least there dieing somewhere else,, and not in your own backyard. Imagine being torn from your own and watching your children die so that someone can use your window to shoot at your very own protectors of our country.
I support my husband in the war on terror, no matter how much I wish we werent at war. We are, and as a country we need to back that decision and say thank you for the ones going there and fighting so that your senior can go to college rather then be drafted to help.
File your taxes on time, and sit back and whine about how long it takes to get your money back when you give it to them each month on time. Its our Freedom.
Cinderella Inspired Hairstyle
10 years ago
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